Thursday 26 June 2008

Scamps evaluation

I wanted to download some small video clips of Unfortunately due to copyright law legally I could not just use random videos. Copyright law is usually valid for a certain amount of time (after person passes away there material is protected for 50 – 100 years.) After the time runs out the copyrighted item can enter the public domain.
Even though I could have got these small video clips easily, I didn’t because of copyrighting law.
I wanted to straighten some of the student’s hair. Due to the West Sussex County Council laws my straighter had to be PAT tested which was slightly awkward.
As a mother there were a few issues with some of the work that was showed. The work had to be selected carefully due to young children being present.
I felt that some of the work that was played was a bit graphical and I had to cover my daughter’s eyes during it. There could have been a notice warning parents.
As a stage manager I had to make sure that nothing was blocking the fire exit. I also had to check that the leads were taped down. Check with health and safety issues whilst inside the Hawth.
Financially I would have had to pay for my leaflets to have been printed professionally. If anything would have been copyright protected I would have had to pay for the pictures I needed.
As a stage manager if the equipment was not supplied to us, I would have had to pay for it. I would have had to of gone to hirer companies to hire supplies and technical stuff, this would have been time consuming.

I spoke to the editor of the Crawley Observer newspaper to advise him of what is happening on the night. I typed up a press release unfortunately the press release had a few minor problems with it. Unfortunately for these problems I did not get time to give out the release.
On the night I noticed that a photographer from a local paper did turn up to take some photos.
I also made a leaflet. Once again due to there being a few errors on the leaflet I did not manage to be able to hand out my leaflet.
I found our marketing team meetings were quite stressful and tensed. Everyone had good ideas but we were all trying to out do each other. I felt that the meetings did not go quite as well as they should of. There was too much competition. If I could re – do the build up to the evening again I would allocate different roles to people. This may avoid arguments.

I used a calendar throughout my tasks during the SCAMPS task set. I did not find this calendar very useful as I was not writing in it enough. If I had wrote on it daily I would have had a different view to it.
I found it hard to meet some deadlines with my advert as I was always side tracked on something else.
If I could change anything that happened towards the evening and on the evening I would of. I would have changed my leaflet a little bit and made sure that it was proof read several times before printing it.
I also would have made sure that I contacted the Crawley Observer once more to make sure that they were definitely coming.
I would also make sure that everyone’s views were listened to. I would like to say I would stop the arguing but I feel that because everyone has so many ideas this will not be possible.

I heard a few people leaving the awards night saying that the night was brilliant.
I also sat down and spoke to some of the student’s parents. One parent said that it was good but some parts were boring. It might have been better if there was a 15 minute break in between the show. Some of the work that was showed on the screens did not do much justice for the students.
To get good feedback I would probably send out a questionnaire to everyone that attended. I would also maybe interview a few people to get a much larger feedback from them.
I feel that the night was professional. If I had to create the night outside of college then I would have had to of hired quite a lot of materials. I would have had to of paid quite a lot of people that helped i.e. the presenters, lighting man, script writer’s e.t.c.
All in all I am very pleased with the outcome and I am looking forward to next years SCAMP night.

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